The source information stored in the Citations tool or Source Manager can be used to create citations, a works cited list, or a bibliography.
Citations are different from footnotes and endnotes, which are placed at the bottom of the page or end of the document. You can use the Source Manager to find and reuse any source that you have created, even sources in other documents.Ĭitations are parenthetical references that are placed inline with the text. Each time that you create a new source, the source information is saved on your computer. After you add sources, you can automatically generate a works cited list or a bibliography based on that source information. A works cited list is different from a bibliography, which is a list of sources that you consulted when you created the document. A works cited list is a list of sources, usually placed at the end of a document, that you referred to (or "cited") in the document.
Before you can add a citation, a works cited list, or a bibliography, you must add a source to your document.