Root bluestacks 2 without kingroot
Root bluestacks 2 without kingroot

root bluestacks 2 without kingroot

After that Go to the Main menu and click on the Start Bs option. Now head to the Helpers Menu and click on Unlock. You will see the BS Stopped under the service section. Once you did that, you will come across Force Kill BS on the right screen. Then Open the Folder and head to the BSTweaker> BluestackTewaker.exe Now extract the Download zip file on the desktop. To begin with, Download the BS Easy Tool. You can install these apps by double-clicking on both or selecting and then drag them to Bluestacks 3 App player. But before that make sure you have installed and extracted the zip file of Super Su Pro and Root Checker. Here is how you can root Bluestacks in a simple step-by-step guide. Download and install BlueStacks if it not already installed.

  • BlueStacks installed on your Windows PC or laptop.
  • Root Bluestacks via Bluestacks Tweaker Pre Requisite: You can get this app to check if your Bluestacks software has been rooted or not on Google Play Store.Īnd you are done with the process to install and root Bluestacks with the help of the KingoRoot App. However, If you wish to check if Bluestacks has been rooted or not, you can do so by downloading and installing the Root Checker. The process to root Bluestacks is completed over here. It takes about a minute or two so be patient and wait for it to complete. KingRoot will now ask for multiple permissions allow KingRoot all the permissions.

    root bluestacks 2 without kingroot

    Open KingRoot and press the ‘ Try to Root‘ button. You will see that KingRoot APK is installed. Once the installation is completed, start Bluestacks. Now Open and Run the KingoRoot App in Bluestacks. Soon the Bluestacks will install shortly.

    root bluestacks 2 without kingroot

    To begin with, Download the KingoRoot App with the help of the link given below. The first being Rooting Bluestacks with the help of KingoRoot App and the other on by Bluestacks Tweaker. In this guide, we have provided you two methods by which you can root the bluestacks. And you are done! You have successfully downloaded and installed the Bluestacks Emulator.

    Root bluestacks 2 without kingroot